Wrinkle Treatment (Botulinum Toxin)

What is Wrinkle Treatment (Botulinum Toxin)?

Wrinkles and lines that people do not like in their faces arise depending on their skin structure and regardless of whether they are old or young. Botulinum toxin (known as botox) procedure is highly preferred by the individual nowadays in terms of the need for no surgical operation and the possibility that the person can normally continue to his/her daily life after the procedure.

 Botulinum toxin is a toxin obtained from Clostridium Botolinum bacteria. With this toxin injected with a single-use sterile needle, it is prevented to release the substance that provides conduction at the nerve endings and the conduction between the nerves and organs reached by the nerves is stopped. Interruption of the nerve conduction provides that the function of the organ reached by the nerve is reduced or disappeared. Mechanism of action of Botox is used in many fields of the medicine.

What are the benefits of  Wrinkle Treatment (Botulinum Toxin)?

Botulinum Toxin in the field of medical aesthetics is often to reduce the lines in the face caused by the movements of the muscles, lift the eyebrows and reduce the sweating in the areas that are overly sweating. With this, it’s expected that the lines arise due to mimic movements, wrinkles, low eyebrows should be reduced, and sweating should be reduced with the Botulinum Toxin treatment used against the hyperhidrosis.

Which areas can Wrinkle Treatment (Botulinum Toxin) be applied to?

Botulinum Toxin can be applied to forehead, eyebrow, eye edges and circumoral calles nasolabial, armpit, palms and feet for hyperhidrosis problems.

What are the periods and stages of  Wrinkle Treatment (Botulinum Toxin) application?

While getting started application, to the area where the application is to be performed, the local anaesthetic cream is rubbed off and the area is narcotised. After waiting for a while, the area is cleaned with a special antiseptic liquid and Botulinum Toxin

 is applied as injection. The injection is made into the mimic muscles when a decrease in muscular movements is required and into the skin when a decrease in sweating complains is required. After the application, cold compress is applied to the area. Process takes approximately 10-15 minutes. The effect of Botulinum Toxin occurs within the first week following the injection. In the day 15th, check-up and retouch are made, if necessary. Impact duration is normally 3-6 months. When the botox’ effect disappears, the application can be repeated.

Who Should Avoid From  Wrinkle Treatment (Botulinum Toxin) Application?

It’s recommended not to have Botulinum Toxin application during pregnancy and breastfeeding periods since it’s not yet know whether Botulinum Toxin is harmful in these periods. Botulinum Toxin procedure is not performed in people with neuromuscular disease (Eaton-Lambert Syndrome, Myasthenia Gravis, etc.) in areas with active infection and inflammation. The procedure is not performed in the case of the minor with no family member alongside.

What are the Points to Be Considered Before and After  Wrinkle Treatment (Botulinum Toxin) Application?

Before and after the procedure, aspirin, blood thinners and alcohol should not be consumed. It’s recommended to come without makeup. After the application, there should be no pressure massage and not be bent (actions such as tie shoelace etc.). Lying position for the application day is recommended as an angle of 45 degrees. Do not take a shower with hot water or alcohol should not be consumed on the application day.

What Are the Side Effects of  Wrinkle Treatment (Botulinum Toxin) Application?

After the application; swelling, cyanosis, oedema, mild bleeding at the needle entrance, headache, pain in the needle area and eyelid lowness can be seen very rare and temporary.