Ultratone (Passive Gymnastics)
What is Ultratone (Passive Gymnastics)?
Ultratone is a method preferred for skin tightening and slimming where electro therapy and ultrasound technology are used together. With the impulse method, the muscles are contracted and loosen. So, it allows the tightening and slimming of the people where he/she sit and without moving. It accelerates blood circulation with lymphatic drainage effect.
A 30 minutes ultratone session is equivalent to approximately 900 shuttles. As a multifunctional application, there are nearly 2000 different programs within the scope of Ultratone. The diversity of 44 different wavelengths and programs provides that people will get the most effective results with the most appropriate method.
What are the Benefits of The Ultratone Application?
Ultratone application is preferred for regional slimming, weight loss, skin tightening and cellulite treatment.
In Which Areas Can Ultratone Be Applied?
The application can be applied in all legs, hips, arms and back areas.
What are The Periods and Stages of the Ultratone Application?
The variable frequencies, excitation patterns, stroke width, wave length and current increase period to stimulate the muscles are adjusted by the specialist according to the person’s problem. The device’s pads are placed in the person’s body and process begins. With the current given by the device, the muscles are biostimulated and start to run. The number of sessions varies according to the person’s body structure and 20-25 sessions are enough. Sessions intervals are planned as 2-3 times per week. A session takes approximately 30 minutes.
Who Should Avoid From the Ultratone Application?
The ultratone application is not applied to those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, have electronic devices or metal prosthesis in their bodies, have cardiac pacemaker, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, neuromuscular system problems, in the areas with active infection and inflammation. The procedure is not performed in the case of the minor with no family member alongside.
What are the Points to Be Considered Before and After the Ultratone Application?
Before the application, blood thinners, aspirin, neuromuscular blockers and alcohol should not be used. After the application, the person may continue his/her daily life. On the application day, the person should not take a shower with hot water and during the program, fat-free food should be consumed. The person should not consume alcohol and consume at least 3 litres of water per day. In order to support the application, the person takes a 30 minutes walk per day.
What Are the Side Effects of The Ultratone Application?
After the application, temporary mild redness and pain may occur.