The available text and pictures on our website consist of other resources on the subject. Preliminary information about the operations performed in private polyclinics is given and published on our website. Our website is prepared to inform people and does not provide any health services. Information on our website should not be used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in any way. All liability and consequences arising from the use of the content of our website for diagnosis and treatment, belong to the user. Our website visitors are deemed to have accepted this legal notice. Because there are quick changes in medical information, diagnosis and treatment methods and equipment. The old methods, equipment and treatment methods can be changed with the new changes. On the other hand, there may be different techniques and information, tool and equipment and also different applications to obtain similar results in medicine. In the diagnosis and treatment, the physician’s personal experience, abilities and information are the determining factors. At the same time, one of the different treatment protocols can be chosen to obtain similar results. There may be different opinions, comments and approaches on the same subject. Since the information on our website is not updated every day, all information should be checked by the visitor in consultation with the physician.
Legal Warning
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